Defining Program Types

A program type defines how a program accepts input and handles output. To define a program type, you must enter a name, description, host command, command path, parameter format, and file extension.

A program type defines how a program accepts input and handles output. Applications Manager comes with several predefined program types (see chapter Program Type Descriptions). If you wish to modify one of the program types that ships with Applications Manager, create a new program type. The default program types that ship with Applications Manager will be overwritten each time you upgrade. You can define as many of your own program types as needed. Each program type is supported by a program type script located in the exec directory on each agent. The program type script defines the method for passing input to the program and getting output from the program. For complete information on creating program type scripts, see chapter Running Custom Applications from Applications Manager.

The Program Types window

Applications Manager user groups control access to program types. If you do not have access to them, see your Applications Manager administrator.

Multiple Operating Systems Supported

Each program type can support UNIX and Windows operating systems if the corresponding fields in the OS portion of the General tab are completed. This eliminates the need to define separate program types for each OS as required in previous versions of Applications Manager. In the example shown above, the same program type script (host command) is used for all three operating systems, but the syntax used in the command paths are different. Other interfaces might require different scripts for each OS, and therefore different host commands.


To define a new program type:

  1. From the Program Types Selector window, click New.
  2. Applications Manager opens the Program Types window.

    For information on using selector windows, see Adding, Editing, and Deleting Applications Manager Objects.

  3. Fill in the fields described in the table below.
    Field Description


    Name of the program type. Field length: 10 characters.


    Description of the program type. Field length: 30 characters.

    Param format

    Describes the format of data passed to the Applications Manager pr file, and therefore the program. Usually #v=#d, or #d, where #v = variable and #d = value.

    If you use #v in the format, you have to enter the variable names when you define prompts for the job. If you use only #d in the format, you do not have to enter the variable names. The variables are passed to the program in the order they are created, and the program reads them sequentially and identifies them by their order in the command.

    Login type

    Specifies the login type for jobs run with this program type. If a login type is selected, it will be displayed in the Login type non-editable field on the Login tab of the Jobs window for all jobs that use this program type. Only logins with a corresponding login type selected in the Type field of their definition will be available. If you pick 'No Selection', all logins will be available on the Execution Options tab for jobs that use this program type. For more information on assigning logins to jobs, see Entering Execution Options for Jobs.

    Output Scan

    Scans output for text strings. Depending on the rules of the output scan, the job will fail or succeed when it is found. For information on defining the rules of an output scan, see Defining Output Scans.


    Optionally use notifications to send messages and output files based on task status to email addresses or any output device defined in Applications Manager. For information on defining notifications, see Defining Notifications.

    Environment Variables

    Specifies one or more environment variables as a single Applications Manager object. For information on defining environment variables, see Defining Environment Variables.

    Required logins

    These options allow you to force users to select a login when defining jobs that use this program type. If Primary is selected, users must select a primary login for jobs using this program type before they will be allowed to save the job definition. If Both is selected, they must also select a secondary login. For more information on assigning logins to jobs, see Entering Execution Options for Jobs.

    Host command

    Name of the program type script located in the exec directory on each agent that supports the program type. The program type script defines the method for passing input to the program and getting output from the program.

    Command path

    The subdirectory where programs of this type are stored. This field works in conjunction with the library defined for the job. If you leave the field blank, Applications Manager will expect to find the program in the directory specified in the Library field.

    File extension

    Filters the programs in the specified directory by this file extension when you use the Select button for the Program field on the Jobs window. File extensions defined for program types are not included in the $program environment variable. When file extensions are required to initiate programs, they must be included in the program type script. For information on defining program type scripts, see chapter Running Custom Applications from Applications Manager.